Saturday, June 6, 2009

geese metaphors for life

Sometimes even those capable of flight have to cross a road:

There's a metaphor for life in there somewhere right?

Now - help me pick out a future dog.

I hung out with a lhasapoo puppy all last summer and fell madly in love. That's a cross between a lhasa apso and a poodle. They're just little fluff balls. And I normally don't like small-yapper-type dogs, but this one and his whole fam were totally chill.

But I want a big dog. Which makes me want a doberman, a bull dog, a pitt bull, or a great dane (I don't really think I could deal with a great dane but they are just beautiful, aren't they?)

Bull Dog isn't really a big dog, per say, but I think our personalities would suit each other.

What do you think? Future dog? You know, for when I don't live in an apartment on the edge of brooklyn's china-town, sharing an apartment with 3 gay men.

Gotta go watch Torchwood.

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