Friday, November 6, 2009

backup blog #1

I have a lot to write about, another whole Backstage Blog and lots of updates on how I'm running my actor life as well as my personal life (the latter won't entail much as I'm broke so mostly I'm not doing anything).

But while I'm gathering the rest of my thoughts and doing the rest of my research on these things I thought I'd give you all a few back-up blogs to entartain you while you wait.

This first one is about the subway (again) -
Good Subway/Bad Subway

Good Subway – Sometimes it feels magical, my very own TARDIS. I sit down, I read a book, a little while later I look up and am at my destination, the doors open magically and I simply step off and I am where I need to be.

Bad Subway – It’s ridiculous that I have to leave an hour and a half early to make sure I get to my job on time when we only travel about 8 miles. 8 miles! If I were driving in Raleigh 8 miles would take me 8 minutes! And the MTA is ridiculous when it comes to construction. There is always some construction somewhere, there is always some train not running when you need it, or running on the wrong line. And nothing ever actually seems to get fixed. I have heard several people say on several occasions that it’s not the terrorist that are going to blow up the subways in NY, it’s some poor soul who lives and works here and has been so screwed over by the MTA that they just . . . Can’t . . . TAKE IT ANYMORE!

Good Subway – Where else but a NYC subway can a train pull up next to you, the doors open, and in the frame of the doorway on the train a beautiful boy sits on a little stool playing the cello, on the train, beautifully? And then a few minutes later when you’re on the train and the doors open and people walk in, probably going to or coming from an early Halloween party, dressed as a dead bride with a fake baby hanging out of her stomach? Or on Halloween itself sitting back with your roommate while riding home on the train delighted to find out who or what would be getting on the train next! (I don't want to talk about the gramatical mistakes made in the previous senteces. Or how some of them aren't even actaully sentences.)

Bad Subway – I was walking out the other day and in the corner a giant person was sitting, asleep, with their pant legs rolled up. I look at the legs and they literally looked as if they were rotting off. And I didn’t know what to do. What do I do in that situation? Is there someone I should call? Surely there must be someone I can call, someone to report this to so they can get this person some help! Limbs should not be rotting off in the subway!

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My goal in writing this blog is to strive to recreate the american theatre while simultaneously carving out a life for myself and then telling you guys all about it. Or go to and click on the roster