Thursday, August 6, 2009

Adventure! (pt 1)

There are many things that seem, well, trying at the time that they happen. But if you have a sense of humor (and I like to think that I do) you know while they are happening that when you look back on it, it’s going to be really funny.

About a month or so before I left (maybe more like 2 months) I had one of these trying times. I went out on a Friday with Andy and Lizzie and Maureen. We went to the Raleigh Times and then to the Borough, and I ended up drinking more than I had expected, or being affected by the drinking more than I had expected, and I decided I shouldn’t drive home. Except I wasn’t going home, I was cat sitting for Maggie so I was going to Maggie’s. I called Lormarev who very graciously came out to pick me up and dropped me at Maggie’s. The next day I was even more affected by the drink than I had figured on and spent the majority of the day hugging Maggie’s toilet. By the time I was well enough to drive and someone was around to pick me up it was after 10pm. Jesse very graciously came to Maggie’s and took me to the parking deck where my car was. As he drove away I discovered that my battery was dead. Jesse was not feeling well and had to perform in Cabaret the next day. So we tried for about an hour to jump the car and when it was clear there was nothing else Jesse could do, I told him to go home and called triple A. The AAA guy came and tried several different tactics to jump start my car, none of which worked. I would have to buy a new battery. I could not do that until the morning. So he left and I called Lormarev, yet again, to come and rescue me. At this point it was almost 2am and she was not happy. But she gets in the car with her two brothers to keep her awake and drove to down town Raleigh to pick me up.

By the time she gets there it’s around 2:30-3am and I get in the car and we start to drive down Hillsborough Street. We get around Readers Corner and we see a guy on a skate board fall and end up laying half in –half off the street. He didn’t move. So Lormarev turns around, I call 911, and when we get back he has been helped up by 2 guys, and we pull up next to them to make sure he’s okay. Turns out it’s Elijah Vick. Now I haven’t seen Elijah Vick in like 3-4 years, and from the way he was acting I have no idea if he recognized me. I think at one point he called me Kat. But the gist of it is, he wouldn’t let us help him. Flat out refused to even let us get close enough to him to see if he’s okay. However he was stumbling around and clutching his head and not making any sense at all, so not wanting to take the chance that he had a concussion instead of just being blazed out of his mind, we follow him. In the car. It truly looked like he was going to fall over and pass out and any minute. We get from Readers Corner to about Oberlin, passing him, turning around, passing him again, all the while I’m on the phone with the 911 operator trying to get an ambulance to come to us. When we get to Oberlin he turns up the street toward the houses and the woods, and we corner him in the bank parking lot. He still refuses to let us help him. Lormarev gets angry and gets out of the car to approach him and talk to him and make him listen. He crouches down with skateboard in hand, Lormarev convinced that this mutha is about to hit her with a skateboard, and he says “5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1” and jumps into the air, runs through a yard and into some woods where we can’t follow him. At this point we have to give up and just hope he’s okay. (He’s fine, by the way)

At the time this was not funny. It was kinda scary. But now – HILARIOUS!

Or, you know, maybe you just had to be there.

My mother and I getting me to NY was similar to this. Stay tuned for details.

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