Tuesday, February 24, 2009


and breathe
it's a confusing thing
you can talk about dreams
see them clearly laid out before you
but putting them into action becomes
complicated beyond
and suddenly
survival becomes a web
you are not sure how you became tangled in
sure - all these dreams are nice -
but I can't even support myself
I can't even get a job
not that I want to
not that kind of job
but how do you find
what is the middle
where am I supposed to . . .
what's left to be done
what's next to be done
and day to day becomes what it is all about.
How did that happen?

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About Me

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My goal in writing this blog is to strive to recreate the american theatre while simultaneously carving out a life for myself and then telling you guys all about it. Or go to www.emporerandy.com and click on the roster